What’s the Most Important Thing you Have Learned about your Topic thus Far?


The most important thing (or in my opininon, certainly the most interesting thing) that I have learned about my topic thus far is the fact that Native Americans used hula hoops as a form of storytelling. I have always loved the Native American culture.

Growing up, I was always a kid who loved the outdoors. I just loved feeling in touch with nature. Whether it would be feeling the blades of grass between my toes or watching a spider spin its web or watching a deer drink water from a lake, I always enjoyed watching the natural things in life. Then, the Disney movie Pocahontas came out. I was obsessed with her! I wanted to run barefoot through the woods and jump off of a cliff into the river. I wanted to play with animals and genuniely feel the movement of the wind. So ever since then, I was always fascinated with the Native American culture.

I would definitely say that my newly acquired understanding of this topic certainly comes across in my draft. I never felt stuck of what I should say next; the words would just flow out of hands and onto the computer screen.  However, I do think that my draft is certainly rough; there is definitely room for improvement and in certain places I can definitely expand my research. But as most writers would agree with me, that is the entire purpose of a rough draft. 🙂

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